quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009

Exodus 33 - 12 to 17 --- Moses intercedes for his people, and God forgives the people once again.

Exodus 33 - 12 to 17 --- Moses intercedes for his people, and God forgives the people once again. Moses went up Mount Sinai to talk alone with God, spent forty days talking with God. Moses went to God, but what he really wanted was to hear the voice of God. The word tells us that Jesus sent his disciples and the crowd, and went up the mountain to be alone with God, to converse with God, and if we have experiences with God, if we want the Lord to operate on our work in our school In our family, our life, unable to climb the mountain, we have to do our room our lot, enter and close the bedroom door to talk to share with God. The people thinking that Moses was taking, said to Aaron (The Priest), Make us gods who go before us, because we do not know what happened to Moses. Aaron made a golden calf, forgetting the word of God, which says: Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters under the earth. Do not bow down to them nor serve them, for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. And God said to Moses, Go down for thy people which thou hast brought out of Egypt, have corrupted themselves. And soon it is out of the way that I commanded them: they have made a molten calf, and bowed before him, and sacrificed him. And he said unto Moses, Go, leave this place, you and your people that helped you out of Egypt, and go to the land I swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, saying, Unto thy seed (or their descendants ) I will. Send an angel before thee, a land that comes with milk and honey, cast out your enemies, but I will not go (will) among you, because you're stubborn people. Because of the sin of the people of God, the Lord said it would walk with them, but would send an angel, because God does not walk with a disobedient people, with a sinful people, but he said I will not, but I will send an angel to help you conquer the promised land, some people may say, that God was being heard, because he said he would not, but would send an angel, but God was looking after only his word that he says all the promises of GOD be fulfilled. If God promised rest in the Lord, because at the time of God you will receive your blessing. Every day when we wake, we have to start a fight with God in prayer, to put before God in the name of Jesus our material needs, most especially our desire more, we are every day more assertive in the presence of the Lord, so that their presence be with us every day of our lives, because our greatest desire is to achieve the greatest of all blessings, which is reach, salvation and eternal life in Christ Jesus. EXODUS 33 - 12 to 13 --- And Moses said unto the LORD: Behold, you say, doing up this people, but not let me know whom thou wilt send with me, and you said, I know you by name, also grace in my eyes. Moses knew the Lord was sending an angel that would guarantee victory for a specific cause, but he did not want just a blessing, because he knew that with the absence of God's people would be fragile in the face of ambushes and attacks of his opponent souls (our souls), he recognized that people were sinners, but he feared the absence of God, and wished that every day, people enjoyed the grace and mercy of the Lord. Because of the sins of King Saul, the Spirit of God withdrew from him. and Saul became tormented by evil spirits, and King Saul who was a victor went to live a life of failure and defeat. When God is present, the Lord says to each one of us, so he said to Jeremiah, make war against thee, but will not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver. Moses was an intimate friend of God, the Lord spoke to him face to face, mouth to mouth and God knew his name. And that is why people think that God only has eyes and ears for the prayer and the cry of the faithful servant, but the word of God says, he does not despise a broken and contrite heart. God does not despise the desire, prayer and the cry of those who have done many wrong things in this life, but currently is deeply sorry. JESUS did not know Zacchaeus, and he was a sinful man, hated by his people, being a tax collector, but he was deeply sorry, with broken and contrite heart, wanting to see Jesus, and to see Jesus he did not measure stress, increased in a sycamore tree and waited JESUS pass. When Jesus came, where Zacchaeus was said Zacchaeus down today I must stay at home. JESUS also see Zacchaeus showed that now that he was behaving like a new creature, he knew by name. Jesus calls his servants and his future servants by name and says: Today I want to land on your home, in your heart and make address. The Lord also said: He found grace in Moses. And thanks to God found Moses because of his loyalty and his conduct before the Pharaoh in Egypt, due to their behavior before such evidence that he faced in the desert, did you think through Moses, mainly because of its obedience to the word he heard directly from the mouth of God. And if each one of us will have a good testimony to the struggles and tribulations that afflicts us and we are obedient to his word from on high heaven the LORD looks at each one of us and says: As I have found grace in Moses, I was amused in thee my servant, I found grace in thee my servant. EXODUS 33 - 13 --- And Moses said unto the LORD: And now, if I find favor in thy sight, that thou mayest make known unto your path, and know thee, that I may find grace in your eyes , and consider that this nation is your people. Moses was praying and pleading for the people even knowing that God had already decided not to walk with his people. All have accepted the Lord Jesus as the only sole and sufficient Savior is a privilege, because even without pleading or we ask the Lord God and Father has shown us the way of the Blessing, the path of victory, the path that leads to eternity, Jesus showed us. And Jesus said: I am the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father (God) except through me. Moses knew God, but he wanted to know more and more to you, and the word of God says: Let us know if we follow on to know the Lord, and know only to God by reading his word of God, that Jesus is speaking to us. And God is aware that those who accepted the Lord Jesus with all my heart, who are faithful and obedient to his word, part of the church faithful, part of the new people of God, and Jesus said, he was going to the Father, before returning to get his church, his people. And if we remain faithful to one day we will be in glory with the Father, the Son cm and the Holy Spirit of God. EXODUS 33. 14 --- God said: "Will my presence with you to make you relax. In this verse we see the claim that the Lord God giveth prayer, the intercession of his servants, when they are faithful and obedient to his word. The Lord also serves the prayer of the servant when he is with the broken and contrite heart, when he is sorry. God had already taken the decision not to walk with Israel, because they were stiff-necked people, stiff-necked, a people hardened their hearts to God. More because the prayer of Moses the Lord is now saying that will go with them. Do not stop praying, even though all say no way, there is always a way when we have Jesus in my heart. King Hezekiah in the past had been a good servant of the Lord, but no longer walked with the whole heart before God. And Hezekiah became ill with a mortal disease, and he came to the prophet Isaiah and said: Put in order your house, thou shalt die and not live. Hezekiah in no time murmured against God, he turned his face to the wall, deeply sorry, with broken and contrite heart, and prayed to the Lord God and Father, for he knew that his prayers could move the heart of God. And God heard the prayer of Hezekiah, and said unto Isaiah, Go and tell Hezekiah heard your prayer and seen your tears: behold, add to your days fifteen years. No matter what problem you have faced, you're living, you always find rest in God. How many brothers are working in the house of God, are doing the work of the Lord, but are experiencing problems, difficulties, very tough in his personal life, but always have pleasure to be with them, as they always have a word of consolation, of comfort coming from God. And you look at the brother or sister and say, I do not understand how this brother and this sister, with all these problems forward so much peace. And the answer is one, and presence of God in our life brings us, joy, peace, joy, even when we struggle with, so the servant of God rest in the Lord. EXODUS 33 - 15 --- Moses said: If your presence is not with us, not us up here. Moses knew that Israel was different from any nation was the presence of God, could walk and reach Canaan, the promised land, but never reach the heavenly Canaan. This has to be the position of the servant of God, praying, crying, the power of the blood of Jesus and in the name of Jesus, so that the Lord is made present, in the home, in their conduct in their work, in school and in life. When we accept the Lord Jesus with the whole heart, with all our heart, we can say that we are part of the new people of God, we can say that we are; a chosen (by God), a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people acquired God, the sole property of God, to proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light. So our song of victory is MARANATA, THE LORD JESUS COME!

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