sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2009
WORD OF GOD DANIEL 10. 7-13 The meaning of the name is Daniel, GOD IS MY JUDGE. We know that there are several judges in the land, and those judges can absolve us of any crime or offense that has committed but has no power to forgive the sins that were committed when pursuing the crime, the crime or sin in general. The only one who thinks our causes, and has power and the authority to forgive our sins and God. We still have an advocate in heaven who is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God. When King Nebuchadnezzar invaded and conquered Jerusalem, and he chose to take captive, some of the family of the young king and of the noble families. Everyone should have good appearance and have no physical defect, should be intelligent, educated and be able to serve in the palace, and need to learn the language of the letters and Chaldeans. Daniel was young, descended from the royal family of Judah and was one of the chosen to serve in the palace of King Due to the disobedience of the people of God, the Lord God allowed his people to be dominated and taken captive to Babylon. And that Daniel was a man loyal to God, prince in Jerusalem, has become one of the slaves who served in the court of King Nebuchadnezzar, but in no time he muttered against God. The moment he was living was very difficult, as was captive in a distant land, and everything that was around you or not praise and to glorify God, but Daniel decided not to contaminate the delicacies of the king. Today is no different, everything that is around us and not praise or glorify God, and if we are not praying, watching, praising and glorifying God, not only with words, above all with our witness before men and mainly before God, be taken captive by the world. But God does not want us, captives or slaves, so he sent his beloved son Jesus to free us. JESUS died on the cross of Calvary carrying with us our sins, but on the third day he rose, and because he lives we can believe that tomorrow will be better, that no matter the fight we are facing today, more than we will be more winners, JESUS CHRIST because we kept in our hearts. Because of Daniel did not repine against God and remained faithful to God, despite all the difficulties he was facing, the Lord God filled him his HOLY SPIRIT, giving you insight, wisdom and intelligence, and of their faith and their loyalty you showed to him the dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had and had forgotten, even gave him the interpretation of dreams. The Magi, the charming, the astrologers told the king that only God could know what King dreamed, but Daniel was not God, but he was servant of God, and the Holy Spirit reveals the deep and hidden their servants, that seek to whole heart. The king was so pleased to have been Daniel and because the interpretation of the dream he had, which promoted the slave of the governor of the whole province of Babylon, God does not want you to be slaves of this world, dominated by the world, but want you govern your life guided by the Holy Spirit of God, I hope that you often are going through difficulties, will make a difference, because if you are praying, seeking God, he will fill you with his spirit and it will prosper. Supply your way to the Lord, trust him, that other things will be added. The word mentioned in the text that is being preached, portrays our lives, as Daniel was praying to twenty-one days followed, expecting an answer from the LORD our God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The word of God says, Pray without ceasing, we are told, to pray and receive the blessing after we receive must continue praying to achieve salvation and eternal life in Christ Jesus. The word of God tells us in chapter ten, in verse seven of the book of Daniel, who appeared a vision to Daniel, but Daniel saw the vision, the men who were with him did not have the experience he had was personal, DANIEL with GOD. Lord God you are praying, trusting, even if its blessing is taking, and if you're in this position you will have a personal experience with God. Daniel saw an angel in sight and no strength left in him, and passed out, but Daniel could hear the voice of the Angel. We can not fail to hear or read the word of God, which is Jesus talking with us. The word says no left forces Daniel, brothers and when we obey the word of God, we emptied our understanding, our reason, our own strength and we are still more strengthened, because our power now comes from the LORD GOD, who made the heavens and the earth. At home we have to meditate on the word of God, and every decision we have taken should refer to God through his word, to listen to Jesus talk with us, because our faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God. Daniel felt a hand touch him and he was the knee and is supported on the palms. The angel said to him: Daniel, many men want, be aware that the words I say and get up on your feet, because this is where I'm sent. When we prostrate in the presence of God, praying, his powerful hands that holds all the power plays: In our home, in our work, our school, our health, our emotional life, our family life, to save and protect. The angel said I sent you here. If you are searching for God in all our hearts there will always be an envoy of God: In the home, in school, at work in everything we are doing to help. Whether the answer will come in a day or a year or more, the truth is that God always answers the prayer of the faithful servant. After the coming of Jesus, the Word of God says that only reach to God through Jesus, so if we pray in the name of Jesus. The angel said: Fear not Daniel, because from day one, to which they apply your heart to understand and humble yourself before your God, your words are heard, and I came because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia began to front me for twenty one days, and behold, one of Miguel princes, came to help me. The word of God says not to because he temermos already forgiven us and called us by our name and says to each of us: You are my, you are the sole property of God. The angel said to DANI L which only came to talk to him because of his words, so we must pray to God every day in the name of Jesus and watch what comes out of our mouths, because the help of the Angel of God depends on the words coming out of our mouths. The LORD will only help if we are in our prayer, praising God with our lips and by our faith and dedication to his work. God sent the angel Michael to help him, now imagine if he stopped praying, lose its blessing. The Christian has to pray without ceasing, because the blessings that God prepared for each of us in eternity, if we only receive a life of prayer and especially the largest of all the blessings that achieve salvation and eternal life in Christ Jesus.
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